Monday, August 30, 2010

Okay so I haven't been going for archery for quite some time..
I know I've written this down in my main blog but since this blog is for training purposes, thought that i'd put it down here too.

I haven't been going to archery in quite some time partly due to the fact that it's the fasting month, but mainly cause i injured my shoulder. Now it's healed. But now i have a dilemma.

I wanna purchase some new stuff.. But both for paintball and archery..
Which should i choose..?

Empire E-vents Thermal Yellow Lens
Empire Grind Knee Pads
Empire React 3+6 Pack
NXe Pods

Win&Win 10inch HMc sidestabs Black
Cavalier Elite Cordovan Fingertab small
Cap weights
Base/mid weights

The archer in me wants the archery stuff, since fasting month is coming to an end and now that my shoulder is healed i can work on my form change again. Plus i need the cavalier tab for the change too.
The paintballer in me wants the stuff so that i can look much cooler with the yellow lens amd i can save my knees with the pads. but come to think of it, I'm not gonna be involved with SPS 2010 coz Heartbreakers has already fielded 7 players. And i don't think i'll be playing with other teams coz i've seen the others and, besides for team CK, i don't seem to click with them well.. I'll most probably be crewing for Heartbreakers during SPS. And it's not more of a need, the items are a want.

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