Monday, August 30, 2010

Okay so I haven't been going for archery for quite some time..
I know I've written this down in my main blog but since this blog is for training purposes, thought that i'd put it down here too.

I haven't been going to archery in quite some time partly due to the fact that it's the fasting month, but mainly cause i injured my shoulder. Now it's healed. But now i have a dilemma.

I wanna purchase some new stuff.. But both for paintball and archery..
Which should i choose..?

Empire E-vents Thermal Yellow Lens
Empire Grind Knee Pads
Empire React 3+6 Pack
NXe Pods

Win&Win 10inch HMc sidestabs Black
Cavalier Elite Cordovan Fingertab small
Cap weights
Base/mid weights

The archer in me wants the archery stuff, since fasting month is coming to an end and now that my shoulder is healed i can work on my form change again. Plus i need the cavalier tab for the change too.
The paintballer in me wants the stuff so that i can look much cooler with the yellow lens amd i can save my knees with the pads. but come to think of it, I'm not gonna be involved with SPS 2010 coz Heartbreakers has already fielded 7 players. And i don't think i'll be playing with other teams coz i've seen the others and, besides for team CK, i don't seem to click with them well.. I'll most probably be crewing for Heartbreakers during SPS. And it's not more of a need, the items are a want.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


8km run while fasting and holding back on a rectal explosion
Time: 58m 20s

Need to do more running in the lead up to Standard Chartered.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Need to work on my snapshooting in the snake. Gonna try out Maximus' rollout snapshooting from the snake.

Need to work on my individual marker-handling skills:
- switching hands
- find a way to aim when off-handed
- any excess paint after training goes to switch hands training in shooting gallery

Overview of game vs Outlaws.
- breakoff, running to snake back & gunning towards the centre, as gun movement laning to the centre is faster (more balls there) then laning snake while running.
- laning snake to be done by back center/central players.
- when bumping up from snake back to snake, dive straight into snake 1 and not into snakehead.

Snake reference:
How to play snake
Guide to paintball

Monday, August 23, 2010


The purpose of this blog is simply an avenue for me to randomly jot down any progression i've made in anything that I do. My life's progression. Anything and everything that i have to take a mental note off, mistakes to be corrected, good actions to be repeated etc.

Usual topics/tags
- Archery
- Paintball
- Soccer
- Fishing
- Weight-training